Airsoft 101 Guideline

Buyer's Guide

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Have you ever played paintball?  As you know, there’s nothing quite as exhilarating as a competitive game with your friends that involves (safely) shooting each other as targets.  Well, as you probably know if you’ve ever played, paintball has its limitations.  But, a new game of a similar nature is quickly sweeping across the country, and it’s called Airsoft.

Airsoft is, as you’ll find out, an even more tactical game than paintball, and it’s far more suitable for those who want to simulate military war games in a relatively harmless and uniquely fun way.  Simply put, this is a game that will have your adrenaline pumping, which is why so many enthusiasts keep coming back week after week to challenge their buddies once again.

What’s Airsoft?

Airsoft is a tactical game that’s much like paintball, only with a number of differences.  Airsoft involves the use of authentic military-style guns that shoot plastic BBs, which are far safer than traditional BBs, but are more tactical than paintballs.  This allows for a more authentic experience overall and helps simulate authentic military combat thanks to the gear that’s involved.

Typically, Airsoft is played in close-quarter field environments that allow the game to move along at a fairly fast pace and allow far more interaction to take place.  However, there are several exceptions as some locations have larger playing facilities that allow players to really spread out.

Like paintball gear, Airsoft gear is easy to acquire via specialty manufacturers who create products that are in line with the game’s rules and regulations.  The guns that are used in Airsoft look and feel just like military-style weapons, and they typically run between 350 and 500 fps.  Guns that are in line with game regulations have an orange tip that signifies that it is not an actual combat weapon.

Similar to paintball, Airsoft is considered safe.  While paintballs are known for leaving large welts on the skin, the BBs used in Airsoft will just occasionally leave red marks.  This is because of how light they are.  When a player is hit, therefore, they are expected to honor the rules and exit the game.  Those who play Airsoft do not describe the hits as painful at all.  Rather, they compare it to being snapped by a flung rubber band.

Another reason why Airsoft has become so popular is because it is, perhaps, the one game that truly replicates the experience of military combat.  Besides the fact that the guns are specially designed to replicate military weapons, the gear that’s worn also mimics that worn by those in combat.  Therefore, military enthusiasts can take their hobby to a whole new level even Police / Law Enforcement use airsoft for training.

History of Airsoft

Airsoft has been around since the 1970s, to the surprise of many players.  It actually originates from Japan.  However, like most games, it took a while to catch on.  Originally, the game was created as a fun way to engage in target practice, as gun control laws were profoundly strict at the time.  The game’s name was created in order to verify the fact that the BBs are soft, and therefore safe. 

Airsoft has since spread to those who are simply looking to have a good time with their friends.  By the early 1990s, Airsoft was considered an underground game throughout the United States and the United Kingdom.  However, within the last decade, the game has reached the mainstream at last.  This is largely due to the fact that it has gained much exposure via the internet. 

Additionally, Airsoft is now a game that is used by military personnel and law enforcement agencies as a method of target practice.

What You Need to Play

Now that you know a little bit about the basics of Airsoft, let’s discuss the gear that you need in order to get started.  As we said, there are now manufacturers who make specific Airsoft gear, meaning that you can find all that you need in one location and feel confident that it’s verified with the game itself, and safe.

First, you’ll need an Airsoft gun, and there are several models available from which you can choose.  Like we said, they vary in terms of fps, and so you can choose which option works best for you.  Be mindful, however, that in more close-quarter playing locations, you may not be able to exceed 350fps, which is why many players choose to have a few different guns on hand depending on where they plan to play.

Next, you need the plastic BBs that are in line with the game’s regulations.  Typically, the BBs used in Airsoft are 6 millimeters in diameter.  They must be plastic, although they can vary in weight.  Many different companies make BBs for this game, so you can choose based on your preferences and budget.

Finally, you’re gonna need protection/tactical gear.  One thing that is absolutely required is that your eyes, ears, mouth and nose are covered during a game.  Most players opt for helmets that are specially designed for this style of combat.  It’s also highly recommended that you don’t have any exposed skin during a game.  Because of the fact that this game is intended to be a military simulation, you can stock up on military gear as a form of protection.

Types of Games

There a few different types of Airsoft games:

  • Skirmish: Skirmish is the most widely played version of Airsoft, and it involves direct combat between two players or two teams.
  • Speedsoft: Speedsoft is the most rapid version of the game in which the goal is to quickly take out your team while disregarding much of the formalities associated with traditional military-style combat training.
  • AIPSC: This is a game that revolves around target practice.  A target stands still and each player is scored for how quickly and how accurately they can hit their target.
  • Milsim: As the name implies, this is the most reminiscent of military-style combat, where there are ranks and many rules.
  • Capture the Flag: This version of Airsoft utilizes the game’s combat style to upgrade a classic game.

Rules of Airsoft

Now, let’s quickly get into some of the rules. 

  • First, it’s crucial that you protect yourself with the proper gear, as many fields will not allow you to play unless you’re adequately covered. 
  • Secondly, you must call yourself out if you get hit, and once you have been hit, you are no longer allowed to speak until the game is over. 
  • When you’re not actively shooting, you must point your gun down and keep your finger off of the trigger. 
  • Additionally, you must avoid a target’s face and head. 
  • Finally, you are NOT allowed to shoot a player within ten feet surrender distance.

Get in the Airsoft Game!

If friendly but fierce combat is your passion, Airsoft is the game that you need to start getting into.  All that you need is some competitive friends, the right gear and a general sense of respect for the rules.  This guide will help make you an Airsoft expert so that you can feel ready to get into the game.

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