From Head-to-Toe: Performance Tactical Gear Matters!

Buyer's Guide

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For those ready to enjoy your first game of Airsoft, you need to have the proper gear ready to go.  Without the right gear, you won’t only be at a disadvantage, but you likely won’t be able to play.  Due to the combat-style nature of this game, the gear is highly important as it will protect you and others while ensuring that you have everything that you need to play to your best ability.

Today, we’ll be breaking down the gear that you will need in order to play Airsoft, gear-wise.  Once you’ve studied this list thoroughly, you can find a verified Airsoft gear manufacturer who can outfit you according to your needs and preferences. 

Mask/Eye Protection

Eye protection of some kind is not just important; it’s required.  You simply cannot enter an Airsoft playing facility if you do not have some type of gear that protects your eyes from shots.  Although those BBs are made of plastic and are relatively lightweight, they can still cause serious, permanent eye damage due to the velocity that they achieve.  Therefore, protecting your eyes is of utmost important.

There are different ways to protect your eyes, one of them being an Airsoft mask designed specifically for the game.  Alternatively, you can use a paintball helmet.  Also, any players opt for more authentic military-style head protection.

Adequate Clothing

Adequate clothing is also very important, although there are less rules involved here.  What matters most is that you are covered from head to toe with practically no exposed skin.  This is because the BBs can cause welts if they make contact with bare skin.

Many players opt for traditional combat-style outfits that are worn by members of the military, although you are certainly allowed to go with something that’s a bit more padded for protection.  Bear in mind, however, that the more protective padding you wear, the more limited your range of motion will be.

Load-Bearing Gear

Now, it’s time to enhance your outfit with some load-bearing gear.  This will allow you to carry extra ammunition, which is something that you’ll absolutely want to have.  It will also allow you to carry water, because trust us when we say that you’ll appreciate being able to hydrate yourself during such an intense game.  Most opt for load-bearing vests that have compartments specifically designed for ammunition.

Heavy-Duty Boots

You’re going to want to invest in a quality pair of boots in order to play this game.  Because the game takes place outdoors, you want something that’s durable and resilient, and capable of handling unfavorable weather conditions.  Plus, you need good ankle support and dependable traction due to the athletic demands of the game.  We strongly suggest a boot design that goes several inches above the ankle as this will decrease the likelihood of exposed, vulnerable skin.


A thigh or belt holster is a must-have if you’re going to be rocking a sidearm during the game.  This is a convenient, comfortable way to carry your additional weaponry, and it’s also the safest way.


A sling is essential if you’re carrying a particularly long weapon.  By placing your weapon in a sling, your hands will be free, and you can move more quickly.  Remember that your sling needs to be sturdy in order to handle the weight of your weapon, so choose your sling wisely.


We can’t emphasize enough the importance of staying hydrated throughout the game. Between the high adrenaline and the outdoor conditions of the game, you’re going to get thirsty quite a bit.  We don’t need to tell you about the dangers of dehydration, especially when wearing heavier clothing.  So, make sure that you bring adequate water with you, and find a way to keep it on your body at all times.


A bandana isn’t a requirement, especially if you have very short hair.  But, it will help keep sweat out of your eyebrows and hair out of your face, which can make you feel more comfortable and competent while you play.  Don’t underestimate just how much forehead sweat can irritate your eyes in the middle of a game, throwing off your ability to play to your highest ability.


Gloves are great for a few reasons.  For one thing, if you get shot in the hand, you don’t want it to leave a mark.  Gloves keep your hands protected while you play.  Additionally, gloves will prevent blisters from forming due to the constant handling of your weapon.  Choose gloves that are thick and comfortable, and that have a good grip so that the weapon doesn’t slip out of your hands.


Kneepads, like a bandana, are not absolutely essential, but they are quite helpful.  You’ll likely be on your knees quite a bit during the game while you plan your attacks and take cover.  Constant friction of knees against the ground can cause a good amount of pain, can wear down your pants and cause your joints to become tight.  This is why kneepads help tremendously.


A radio is not a necessity, but it can be very helpful, and can make the game a more interactive and overall enjoyable experience.  Having a two-way radio can help you interact with your teammates in order to plan out attacks and keep track of each other.  Military-style radios are also a great way to enhance the authenticity of the combat-like nature of the game.


Lastly, we suggest loading up on some food.  We recommend bringing nuts or some other type of high-nutrient, handheld food that you can keep on you at all times.  The game is fairly fast, but you will burn a lot of calories in the process.

Airsoft Can Be a Thrilling and Competitive Game Indeed

However, without the right gear, you won’t be able to play, let alone enjoy yourself.  Use this guide to make a checklist at Airsoft Master so that when the time comes, you’ll be fully prepared.  We carry quality gear from the top manufacturers in order to ensure that you’ll be safely and efficiently outfitted.

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