Tokyo Marui Hi Capa 5.1 Review


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If you’ve been following us here for a while, you know that we’re always dying to get our hands on the latest to come out of the Airsoft industry.  So, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that I was elated to finally try out the Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1 after much anticipation.  This gas-powered pistol has gotten quite a bit of hype, and I’m very happy to say that none of that hype has been overblown.  In my opinion, and in the opinion of many others, this is definitely a pistol worthy of a spot in your collection.

Having spent a considerable amount of time with the Tokyo Marui Hi Capa 5.1, I can now write an in-depth review for those who are still on the fence.  I’ll be talking about all of the features that make it unique, as well as its overall performance, having enjoyed a nice, long session of shooting with it.

Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1
Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1

The Externals

Right off the bat, you’ll notice that the Tokyo Mauri Hi Capa 5.1 is a profoundly realistic-looking gun. It’s clear that this is a priority of the brand, as past models have also been noted for their realism.  Not only is it realistic, but thanks to the plastic and aluminum alloy construction, it’s more lightweight than it looks without feeling flimsy by any means.  It’s clearly a sturdy and resilient piece of equipment, but it’s also a pleasure to handle for long stretches of time.  It weighs in at 1 pound, four ounces.

The Mauri Hi Capa 5.1 offers sights that aren’t just helpful but well designed in terms of the overall efficiency of the gun.  The hop-up adjustment wheel is extremely easy to use, but does require some disassembly.  Additionally, the included mounting rail is far easier to install than others that we’ve come across.  Also, the rear sight is adjustable, which we don’t always see with pistols. 

The Internals

The Marui Hi Capa 5.1 is compatible with green gas, but I recommend switching to a metal slide if you’re going to go that route so that it can withstand the constant usage more efficiently.  Bear in mind that like similar pistols, it only operates at semi-automatic.  Of course, this shouldn’t be a disappointment to anyone who is using it. 

Grip and Trigger

Few pistols are as ergonomic as this one, in my experience.  Not only is it lightweight overall, but the grip is extremely comfy.  You won’t deal with any cramping despite the compact nature of this particular model.  Every design element seems as though it was developed with comfort in mind.  The trigger is highly responsive, and you’ll find that it’s extremely easy to determine just how much pressure to use. 


The Tokyo Marui Hi Capa 5.1 comes with a 28-round mag, and there’s a double-tap feature that makes loading and unloading a lot easier than other guns offer.  


Now, let’s get to the reason why you’re all here.  I have to say that it was a sincere pleasure playing with the Marui Hi Capa 5.1.  It’s actually been a while since I’ve handled something so lightweight, so that took some getting used to, but that has nothing to do with its objective performance or feel in the hand.  The accuracy is nothing short of stunning.  I went to about 25 feet and was still pleased with my ability to hit my target.  But, this is definitely ideal for 10 to 20 feet, generally speaking.

The pistol has a firing rate that’s a lot faster than I had anticipated, and I have no doubt that Airsoft players will really enjoy this aspect of its performance.  It has a great recoil that’s nice and light, which makes it easier to fire.  I haven’t tried this with green gas, but I’ve heard that it takes velocity to a whole new level, so feel free to give that a try on your own, and let me know how it goes.

I also got the feeling that the magazine is more than efficient for this gun, which is a nice change because as we know, so many Airsoft guns are not practical when it comes to this.  I definitely got the feeling that I could get a whole lot of use out of this pistol when playing a real-deal game with my friends.  But, at the end of the day, it’s just a spectacular gun in terms of performance overall. 

Truly an Excellent Pistol for Your Airsoft Collection

Not only is it wonderful in terms of its performance, but it’s got a great look and the feel is magnificent in the hand.  Despite being lightweight, it performs like a beast, and the accuracy and velocity make this one of my current favorites, to be perfectly honest.

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